ASRC Committee
The committee is made up of parents of the athletes in the club. We try to ensure the smooth running of the club on the outside so coaches can do what they do best and look after all the athletes on the slope.
We are always looking for new committee members, so if you are interested in joining or have something to add please do get in contact.
Chair - Andy Putman - asrc.chair@gmail.com
Vice Chair - Alex Duff - TBC
Secretary - Jo Beagley - asrc.sec@gmail.com
Club Welfare Officer - Stuart Greenland - asrc.cwo@gmail.com
Treasurer - Rachael Duff - asrc.treasurer@gmail.com
Stats / Race - Lisa Putman - asrc.stats@gmail.com
Social Secretary - TBC - asrc.social@gmail.com
Membership - Andy Putman - asrc.chair@gmail.com
Fund Raising / Sponsorship -
Laura Chandler / Alex Duff - asrc.fundraising@gmail.com
Communications Manager - we would love to hear from you if you feel you could add to our committee, especially in the area of Social Media.
Club Information - see below: